terça-feira, setembro 30, 2008

El arte de descifrar una lectura

Hay millones de cosas que son necesarias que yo haga. No obstante, todavía no las he hecho completamente. Mejor dicho, no las he terminado, porque de veras he trabajado últimamente como demonio. Sin embargo tengo que trabajar aun más. Esta tesis no me va a conquistar.

Es posible que se pregunte por qué escribo en español después de un ratito de no hacerlo. Pues que leí un artículo muy bueno e interesante en un jornal de la ciudad. El problema central era que toda la acentuación no apareció bien. Por ejemplo, cada vez que haya ó como en “difusión”, el símbolo que se mete es Ù “La difusiÙn del programa…” Otras letras acentuadas simplemente no aparecen: Ellos tendr n que trabajar… Todas las á's desaparecieron. No me acuerdo lo que pasó con ñ pero también faltaba cualquier sentido mientras se leía. ¡Horror! Espero que la prójima vez que se publicará un artículo de lengua española en nuestro pequeño periódico vaya a tener mejor tipografía y acentuación para que se lea con más facilidad.

domingo, setembro 28, 2008

"Do you want to play with my Wii?"

That phrase was actually said, guilelessly, ingenuously, to me last night by someone I had only met about an hour before. For those of you who know me (& probably even people who don't), you can imagine the torment I put the guy through for making such an utterance.

For the record, I did play with his Wii. A lot. Ha! ;D

I will resist the urge to make further warped versions and responses. Rejoice!

terça-feira, setembro 23, 2008


Today is Celebrate Bisexuality Day. Have fun, & be safe, regardless of your identification/orientation!

I will celebrate by singing a certain Katy Perry song because 1) it's much more subversive when I sing it and 2) I do a much better job overall. :P I will also play Ianto today at the Potter Center. I've answered the phones, made tea, done paperwork for the delivery of sandwiches, and helped set the room for the important luncheon, while I sit waiting to greet guests, answer phones, make more tea, and dispose of the rubbish. Not complaining, because it's fun, & it's better than working on my thesis.

Now, here's hoping Captain Jack will rescue me. :)

terça-feira, setembro 09, 2008

At Work

I am currently at work. As you might guess, it's not too busy today. The director is currently out of the office, but they have fixed it so that I can actually enter the building. Card readers in lieu of keys can be loads of bureaucratic fun! I am trying to do what a lovely madrileña cohort in the Department once advised, "Write at least one page of your thesis everyday." I wonder if she added the caveat "...even if it's craptacular" or anything after looking at the dreck I have produced thus far today. I may be my own worst critic, but... :D

On a much happier note, somebody stopped by my house the other day, so he can attest that at least some of my stories are not bald-faced lies. We had inclement weather when he arrived. I wondered if Chac Mool or Tlaloc were coming up to guide him to Mexico. From what I've heard, he made it past la frontera. Mucha suerte, hombre!

quinta-feira, setembro 04, 2008

Forget about Mr. Pibb & Red Vines, bitches!

Basmati + Sambal Oelek = Crazy Delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!