domingo, agosto 24, 2008

Meine Begierde ward sehend!

segunda-feira, agosto 18, 2008

"A Cidade de Música EEUU"

Consegui um novo domicílio cá. Tô contente neste momento. Vou trabalhar na tese, na saúde e nas outras coisas das quais preciso. Vamos ver como irá. Gosto das pessoas que também moram aqui na casa. Acho que são legais. Espero que tudo esteja azul comigo, com eles e com vocês. Se houver vocês mais, quer dizer!

quinta-feira, agosto 07, 2008

Film Fest Serendipity

Well, things have settled down here a bit, so I am going to be returning to the Nashpatch to find a place to stay a while, do research, & get some work done on my thesis. While trying to pack & prepare & have people nagging all around me, I decided to watch some films lately. As I mentioned in my Independence Day post, I have been conflicted about familial obligations and doing something for myself. Well, the other day on Turner Classic Movies, it was Claude Rains day, & they showed Now, Voyager, which I watched. OK, that's a little weird, but good (of course, Bette Davis goes to Brazil in the film as well, so that was interesting to me for other reasons).

So, I then am looking through DVDs, videotapes, and books to take with me back to Music City. What falls out of nowhere onto my feet? Como Agua para Chocolate! Hmmm...

Yesterday, I got one of the movies on my Netflix queue. I hadn't had it at the top of my list, but it came anyway. The movie that arrived was Shelter. OK, now I am firmly convinced that it's (past) time to GTFOOH. Still feel weird about it all, but it must be done.

Who knows? I might just be able to see some of you all again (assuming any of "you" read this anymore!) sometime. You've been missed!

segunda-feira, agosto 04, 2008

things I love (a thoroughly incomplete list)

A friend of mine started this up a couple of weeks ago. Feel free to respond with your own (assuming anyone reads this thing anymore), or post to your own blog (let me know if that's the option you choose). Since my last post was such a downer, I thought this list would show that I am not always morose, I've just had a hard time lately. Most of my friends (or enemies or casual acquaintances or strangers in the street) would say that I am a complete goofball for the most part. So here's my version of a list:

The rush/burn of a good chili pepper
The laughter of a good friend when you tell that same dumb joke you always tell
The rolling of eyes when you tell a particularly nasty pun
Singing along to a song you love even if you know you can't do it well
Sipping a warm cuppa tea
Having the juice from a fresh peach tickle your chin
The warmth of the one (or one of the ones, I guess) you love when they touch you
The wind blowing across your face
An honest smile
"Only connect"-ing as in E.M. Forster's Howard's End
Cooking a good meal for someone you care about
Walking barefoot on the grass (as long as it's not freshly mown)
Catching fireflies then letting them go
A funky beat
Remembering that thing that was on the tip of your tongue but couldn't name a second before
Getting lost in a story
Subjunctive mood
Anything and all things between a quick smooch and passionate kisses
Lower-fat, lower-calorie food that is still delicious
Lucid dreaming
A slow dance like at the end of Beautiful Thing
The lingering scent on my fingers after picking a flower or herb (currently that would be Greek oregano, btw)
A touch (or maybe more) of silliness
Being amazed and astonished
Parallelism between regular nouns & gerunds, apparently
