segunda-feira, setembro 19, 2005

Oh, great!

Well, after adapting well to my meds, a new diet, & increased exercise, everything was going fine. Then, yesterday, my blood sugars were elevated & my blood pressure was sky high! I was taking a shower & felt really dizzy, so I went to check everything. Everything except my temperature was out of whack! Yeesh! I'm sure part of the blood pressure elevation stems from the stress of feeling like I was going to pass out. Not only am I not a fan of losing consciousness in general, feeling dizzy is a symptom of a rare (but real) side-effect of my meds called lactic acidosis.
That can be fatal, so I was a teensy bit nervous, ya know? Today, my pressure is normal & I do not feel dizzy or anything. My sugar is still a bit elevated, though. GAH! I have a class at 1:30 today to go to, so I will just have to deal.


sábado, setembro 17, 2005

Puta que pariu!

Oi, gente!

It's been a l-o-n-g time. This is because many things decided to work in concert to screw me over bigtime. I am not going to Brazil this semster as planned, due to bizarre bureaucratic doings at trhe university in Brazil. This ends up being okay in some respects, as I learned from the doctor just days before I would've been going that I have some serious blood sugar & kidney issues. They are not serious as in "life-threatening," at least not as yet. Still, I need to lose some of the junk in the trunk & otherwise check myself before I wreck myself. I am slowly making progress.

As a result of not going to Brazil, that means no income, which means I am not in Nashville but at home with the folks, who are watching for any side-effects of my meds (I am not on high dosages of meds like Glucophage or anything, but it's nice to have someone watching, just in case). I really need to get working on my dissertation, but somehow, I have been distracted. My super-cool advisor is understanding. He seems to prefer that I live & prosper, not just finish & get out of Vandy.

Well, that is my update. I hope all who might read this are well!
